Thursday, April 4, 2013

"Love Formula #1"

QUESTION:   What are some cute little ways I can make my spouse feel special through baking or cooking?
Jessy sais:  "Whether men like to admit it or not, they love the little details you spend hours making special.  There are numerous gestures you can do that don't take much effort at all.  These gestures will always puts a smile on your honey's face.  Also, try to do this on a normal day.  I mean, try to surprise him by doing it "just because you wanted to." Which meeeeeans... NO HOLIDAYS! Ok sorry for screaming, just had to get my point across haha ;)"
P.S. Love notes have been around since the beginning and will ALWAYS be around.  So, try taking a minute to write a sweet note or letter and leave it waiting with the detailed snacks you made to win his heart! (Or keep winning I mean haha)



  1. I loved the note idea, one day I made Abel lunch and inside I wrote a note and didin't tell him, when he saw it at work and opened it, he said it made his day!!
