Friday, April 26, 2013

"Is Aunt Jemima the next fashion icon?"

Hello my beautiful little dandelions!  OK guys and gals, have you noticed what is a hot accessory right now?  Yes my friends, the aunt Jemima Bandanna Twist is in style to pull off that innocent yet flirty look.
Long hair, short hair, or no hair! This look works on all hair types!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Happy Birthday Jasmine!!!

Hey guys!!
I have been extremely busy this weekend, my parents came to visit my hubby and I and had a great time...Love you guys! The main reason I wanted to make this post was to dedicate it to the beautiful woman that has been my best friend since the 1st grade, can you believe that?! I love you Jazz, and I owe a lot to you sis.  Thank you for always being there through the good and the bad.  I'll always be around and there for you girl. I'm so proud of you with completing your first year as an official teacher! Peace, Love, and Happiness.


Thursday, April 11, 2013

"Fairytale dos"

If you have prom, wedding, or event coming up, you have got to try out these beautiful hairstyles that you don't really see every day! Stand out with romantic hair!


Hi my little blue-berries!
I wanted to tell you about this new app that mainly works on IPhones, IPads, and IPod touch!  It is known to be "The ultimate virtual shopping experience."  This is set up to where you can upload your wardrobe and be able to mix and match with online clothing.  They even fit the online clothes to your uploaded full-body pic to where the shopper can get an idea of how the clothes will look on them.  If you are like me where you might be too lazy to go to the actual store sometimes or you just don't want to online shop, because you fear it might not look right when you actually see it on. So you just don't take the chance, and that's exactly what I want you guys to do!
Check it out!!!
Now you can really go shopping in your Pajamas!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

"Post Wedding Pounds"

Are you one of the many girls/women who gained a few extra pounds after your wedding day?  OK...maybe more than just a few pounds?
It's OK girl, because I did too ;)
It is a statistic that more than half of women gain weight after saying the big 'I Do", so do not panic my fellow weight-gainers!  It is normal, because in most cases you are adapting to a different lifestyle.  You and your partner have been going out to eat all the time, cooking big meals at home, or thinking that you need to eat the same amount as your significant other and forgetting that Men usually eat a box of cereal just as a snack ;) It's ok girlfriends, because
I have finally gotten back to my original size mainly because of the new hobby I took up with my Hubby.   
                                         Cycling! Cycling! Cycling!


You can take up cycling in the gym, but I guarantee you'll have more fun just getting a bike and riding outside with someone or even yourself.  Seeing the outside while riding really motivates you to ride longer.  Time flies by when your riding outside!  My husband surprised me with a brand new bike for my birthday and I was hooked!  Oz (my husband) and I have been riding at least every other day for about an hour or two and I saw results like no other!  It is crazy the difference it makes in one's figure, especially if you are like me where all the fat goes to the lower body, this is the perfect exercise to tone up that Donk! 

Now All you have to do is get off the couch and get MOTIVATED! (Annoying Cheerleader voice)... Woohoo, like totally, lets go guys, let's get motivated!!! yeah.!!...............:)Ok, I'm pretty sure I know how you are looking at me right now lol!


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

"Edible Beauty"

Hello all my little peepz!
I'm so very sorry that I haven't been posting the past few days because of my busy schedule!  OK, I wanted to let you guys in on a bizarre beauty secret that I have known about since I was little.  Prepare yourself..... It's a little weird!  Mayonnaise and Avocados !  It might take a little time to convince you to actually try this, but when you do, You'll be running to the grocery store to stock up ha ha!

Mayonnaise actually works as a good conditioner, but only if you use it once every 2 weeks or so.  If  your hair doesn't have much volume, mayo might weigh it down.
 In mayonnaise, the fats and oils are what smoothes your hair. leave it in for about 15 minutes and get amazing results!
Now, this is great! Avocados are a great source of biotin! They also help to prevent dry skin and brittle hair and nails. If you want to hydrate parched skin, then avocados will become your new best friend!  While your at it, grab some chips haha !

Sunday, April 7, 2013

"Resturant 411"

Hey my little Blog readers!
Today's chosen restaurant suggestion is................................... ST. MARTIN'S WINE BISTRO in Dallas, TX.


St. Martin's
3020 Greenville Ave Dallas, TX 75206
(214) 826-0940!/splash

This place was so great you guys! I was going out to dinner with my hubby one Friday night, and he kept telling me he was going to take me to Chili's.  I personally love it there so I was like
let's go!
Well, he took about 20 minutes to finally stop when we passed like 3 Chili's so
I was confused.
He wanted to surprise me with a romantic candle-lit dinner, so he brought me to St. Martins. 
It was so beautiful in there, because he feels like the inside of the Titanic dining room. 
It was so classy and the waiters were all dressed in their Sunday-dress!  What was also 
real romantic was that there was a man ona grand piano laying beautiful light ballads.
I loved it.  The best part was the ticket! It was so affordable for such a fancy place.
There was one problem..... I ate a little too much when I went there ha ha!

"He Deserves His Moment Too"

Men! The ones that annoy us until we burst!
Men! The ones that are messy!
Men! The ones that eat every meal like it's their last!
MEN! The ones the we will always love no matter the little flaws.
One thing that we all can agree on is that men are so hard to shop for.  Birthdays, Father's day, and christmas' are always a huge challenge for everyone because we all know the main gifts everyone gives a man every single year when we really wish we could get something different but have no idea what.
The 3 main gifts

Why not switch it up a little bit?  Here are some cool ideas for those tortuous guy gifts!

-Tickets to his favorite sport event( I suggest or Ticketmaster.)

-Classy cuff links (available at Macys & Men's Warehouse for cheap price.)

 Now This is really a unique gift that he'll love!  Try googling some different food or variety clubs of the month!  This is where you sign up and pay a certain amount depending on which club(Usually affordable) and the person you signed it up for receives a surprise in the mail each month. 

                                                                                                                                                         Surprise him with a timeless classic pocket watch and have it engraved with something special. (I suggest surfing the web on who has better deals on them such as Ebay, Amazon, or Craigslist.

Also, This is the BEST website for cool man gifts.  They even separate gifts on how the personality of the man you are buying for has:


Saturday, April 6, 2013


Hey Sweet Tarts!! I have a special announcement!
My beautiful mama's friend has asked me to ask if there is anyone who is completely fluent in Spanish & English who is willing to work at the Bank of America in Plano,Tx to be a loan officer.  After training you are able to make $60,000.00/ Salary.  Hurry  before slots are taken wahahahhhahaa ;)

Contact Number: 903.744.1317
Get That Paper Honey!

"Monokini Madness"

Hey My little furry friends! Ok, lets get straight to the point shall we?... You had the choice between ordering a nice juicy rib plate with a loaded buttery mash potatoe with EXTA sour cream or a nice, healthy Salmon with some green veggies on the side! We all know what you picked! Bad girl! SWIMSUIT SEASON IS ALMOST HERE PEOPLE!  Lets get motivated by taking up a boxing class or cycling with a friend, family member, or sgnificant other!  Before you know it, you will be flaunting that gorgeous figure wearing these gooooooorgeous monokinis! Check them out

This is what you DON'T want to do...
Haha as much
as I love Jim Carrey, please do not match swimsuits with your honey. 
Where Can I find some like these you might ask?
I got all these swimsuits online at:  ( These are all great websites for great fashions as well.)

Friday, April 5, 2013

"Hand Candy"

Hi My Little Rosebuds!
Latest obsession: different shapes and designs of rings on the same finger and rings that connect to bracelets!  These trends are such a traffic-stopper!  I just got one the other day at Forever21.  I know that they are also being sold at Agaci, Love Culture, Papaya, Frenzy, and Macys. Remember Step outside the box. Stand out!


Thursday, April 4, 2013

"Resturant 411"

Hey Pumpkins!  Today's resturant suggestion is... Drum Roll pleeeeeeeesseee..........a little bit longer...........LA BARRACA in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.  Let me just say this is one of the best Spanish resturants I have ever been to due to the fact that the food is so ethnic.  The taste of  one of Spain's typical dishes called "Paella" had so much flavor from the mix of seafood in buttery-lime rice that I litterally thought I was fighting a bull in Spain.  Ok, maybe not to that extreme, but It was Exquisite!
Not only is the food amazing, there are also flamenco dancers that perform while you eat in a dim candle-lit surrounding that looks like the streets of Barcelona.

115 S 20th Ave Hollywood, FL 33020
(954) 925-0050
Quality: Outstanding
Quantity: Over sufficient
Service: Perfect

"Love Formula #1"

QUESTION:   What are some cute little ways I can make my spouse feel special through baking or cooking?
Jessy sais:  "Whether men like to admit it or not, they love the little details you spend hours making special.  There are numerous gestures you can do that don't take much effort at all.  These gestures will always puts a smile on your honey's face.  Also, try to do this on a normal day.  I mean, try to surprise him by doing it "just because you wanted to." Which meeeeeans... NO HOLIDAYS! Ok sorry for screaming, just had to get my point across haha ;)"
P.S. Love notes have been around since the beginning and will ALWAYS be around.  So, try taking a minute to write a sweet note or letter and leave it waiting with the detailed snacks you made to win his heart! (Or keep winning I mean haha)


Walk on the brighter side wearing Purple & Orange

Don't worry my little pumpkin pies it's a good Fashion Alert! I am really lovin all the color and pattern mixes that are going on.  I saw a picture of an outfit a celebrity was wearing and I was fascinated on how vibrant the two colors purple & orange looked together. Try wearing these "Arabian night" colors, you will for sure find your Aladdin haha ;)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

"Jumpsuit Junkies"

YES! My name is Jessica, and I'm a Jumpsuitaholic.  I looooove how there are so many different styles that fit any and every type.  I have always enjoyed this style from seeing it in Miami every year when I was younger.  I was hooked!  Jumpsuits were in, but at that time most of them were denim.  Not anymore my little hamster toes!  One of the latest trends is expressing your personality through your jumpsuit.  I would wear every style if I could.  Which style is yours?

 Silk & Classy
 Chic Fashionista
 Eclectic & Urban